New Texas rapper Blue ThaSavior gives the world an introspective look at life with single ‘Trapped In Texas’

blue the savior

DALLAS, TX – When people listen to Blue ThaSavior’s music, there’s one response that he hopes he elicits every time: reaction. He wants his music to inspire a movement of action from people who have been motivated to rise up against injustice, or make a change in their lives, or respond to whatever emotion the music has induced.

As a singer and songwriter who raps in Dallas, Texas, Blue ThaSavior is a new voice on the hip-hop scene. His diverse sound and unique voice are already making waves throughout the South, and now his new single “Trapped In Texas” is set to expand that fan following throughout the rest of the U.S. It’s a single that he said has a dark, eerie vibe to it with a subtle flow that combines with a choppy rapping delivery and a “mixed-up beat.”

“It’s a very different beat,” he said. ‘It just kind of spoke to me when I heard it, and I wrote what it inspired. I write from a very spiritual standpoint anyway – I don’t pick themes due to political reasons, or look for club songs just because that’s what’s popular. I don’t have an agenda, I just write from my heart. If I get the shivers and the beat’s right, I write to it.”

Blue said this single is an insightful look into his own life, reflecting the emotions he feels as a result of a variety of situations that have led to his current station in life. As he was reflecting on missed opportunities over the years, he ultimately decided to turn those reflections into a song.

He has also created a music video for the song that is currently available on YouTube. The concept of the video is Blue walking through a dilapidated neighborhood, performing for the camera. As the video progresses, things shoot off of him and get trapped under water, eventually leading to a purple-hued screen that is symbolic of the parallel life that he’s living in Texas.

The single is one that he said has been a long time coming. He started writing music at age 14 when he first fell in love with the art-form of hip-hop. He’s also a singer and has been singing since he was a little kid. And though he wasn’t allowed to listen to rap as a young child, he said he remembers when he first heard “Me Against the World” by Tupac and it changed his world forever.

“I fell in love with rap from that moment and I’ve been writing music ever since,” he said. “I’m also a singer. I know a lot of people say they harmonize, but I’m very fashionable and my voice is different. But to say what distinguishes me from the rest of the world – we’ll have to let society say that. I just want people to give me a chance and let me put my music out there and see how they like it.”

To listen to Blue ThaSavior’s music, or to follow him on social media, please visit the following links:

TWITTER: @Tlbandits
YOUTUBE: Tlbandits
SPOTIFY: Trapped in Texas

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